Coffee and Tea are the number one offenders in carpet stains.
Pizzas are great but not when one slips and leaves ugly stain on your carpet.
Removing stubborn food stains using special enzymes and professional steam cleaning.
Red wine tastes great in the glass but is very difficult to remove from carpets.
Murphy's law.. the bread always falls on the butter side (or bean side).
Professional stain removers can help you keep your carpets looking good.
Here at Houston Steam Cleaning, we understand the stress of tough stains, especially when it comes to food and drink. That is why we work diligently to ensure that our cleaning service use gentle chemicals to remove the stains. Whether you need red wine stain removal, coffee stain removal, tomato sauce or ketchup stain removal or even stain removal for ink, we can do it all and more and there is nothing that we can't handle. Don't spend hours on end scrubbing away at your carpet, when our experienced, talented and knowledgeable professionals can remove the stains in no time at all.
We are the number one choice when it comes to stain removal in Houston, Texas because our stain remover services are incomparable to that of other companies. We don't apply harsh chemicals, and we don't rub the stain further into the carpet. We use gentle yet effective techniques to lift the stain, before removing it from deep within the carpet. It doesn't matter whether you need ink removal, blood stain removal, or for us to clean food stains, we can do it all and we always try to exceed the expectations of our customers.
Contact our staff today to schedule a stain removal services. Coffee stains, ketchup, mustard, and even red wine stain can be removed. We will restore your carpet to look new again. Don't be embarrassed by stained carpet again! We are always happy to help and we can't wait to hear from you. We even provide commercial services, so you can get those stubborn food stains removed in no time at all by our team of experts. If you are in a hurry, we also provide a 24 hour service, so it is no wonder that we are one of the top cleaning services in Houston!